An explanation of how juniors are selected:
Prior to the closing date for the next season entries, the NSJTA delegates (David Williamson and Raman Joshi) organise a meeting with team managers. At this meeting our teams and what grades they will be playing in are selected. The process for selection is based on how the juniors are ranked on the NSJTA website and how they have been playing all season.
David and Raman rely on our team managers to provide this information, as they are the ones supporting the children and watching them play every week. It is impossible to just use player rankings as there are too many variables such as whether the player is playing in doubles or singles and doubles, whether it is a mixed team or just boys/girls, which position they have played ,i.e. No. 1/2/3 boy/girl., etc.
If a parent believes their child is playing in either too low or too high a grade this season and they wish to discuss this with someone can they please contact David on 0405 530 402. On a very rare occasion we may be able to take parents' requests on board in the team selection, however generally this is not the case.
Our club recommends a grade we believe would be fair and competitive for the teams and then it's out of our hands. The NSJTA grade selection committee looks at player rankings, how the team performed the previous season (if the team moves up together as one with minor or no changes to the players) and any other relevant information. The NSJTA has the final say as to which grade the team will play at.
Hopefully this explains the process - if you have any questions please feel free to contact the juniors delegates.
Thank you ...